This policy governs the posting of and the commentary posted via social networks by staff from Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services and its associated enterprises (“Digital Aone IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Services”). In the context in this document,”social” media refers to any platform that allows for online publication or commentary which includes, without limitation, blogs, wikis, and social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. This policy is in addition to and is a complement to any current or future policies on the computer, technology as well as e-mail, and the internet.
Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services employees are allowed to post or make comments on social media, in accordance with this policy.Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services employees are bound by this policy in the event that they are identified as an Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services employee (other than an unintentional reference to their your place of employment on an individual blog that is that are not related with Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services).
Social media is subject to the same obligations as any other form of commentary or publication.
Social media use must adhere to the same ethical guidelines that Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services employees must comply with.

Don’t Tell Secrets

It’s fine to talk about the work you’ve done and to engage in dialogue with your community However, it’s not acceptable to share confidential information. Confidential information can include things like unpublished information concerning our software, the details of ongoing projects, release dates for products as well as financial information as well as research and trade secrets. We must adhere to the requirements of our corporate customers in regards to the privacy of their current projects. Also, we must be cognizant of the competition in our industry.

Be sure to protect your privacy

Social media privacy settings need to be set to allow everyone to see information on profiles similar to that which is displayed found on the Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services website. Privacy settings on other platforms that could permit others to share information or view private information must be restricted in access. Be cautious about posting information you don’t would like to be publically available.

Be Honest

Don’t blog anonymously, by using pseudonyms or fake screen names. We are adamant about transparency and authenticity. Make sure you use your full name and make it transparent about who you are and clearly state that you work with Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services. There’s nothing that can make you stand out in online social networking more than integrity or dishonesty. Be careful not to make statements that are dishonest or false. In the event that you are a legitimate stake in the subject you’re discussing, make sure to make sure to mention it. Be aware of safeguarding your privacy and yourself. The content you share will be available for a long time therefore, you must think about the content and be wary of sharing personal information.

Copyright laws must be respected.

It is crucial to show regard for laws that govern copyright, fair use and fair treatment of copyrighted content belonging to others, which includes Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services own brand names and copyrights. You should not use more than brief extracts from the work of others and be sure to attribute the work to the source or author who originally wrote it. It is generally accepted to refer to other people’s work, rather than copying it.
You must respect your customers, Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services as well as your coworkers.
The general public as well as Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services’ employees and clients, display the diversity of their opinions, values, and customs of viewpoints. Don’t make statements that are contradictory or contrary to this Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services website. Be confident to be you however, do it in a respectful manner. This goes beyond things that are obvious (no ethnic insults, offensive remarks such as defamatory or offensive comments such as personal insults, obscenity, personal insults and so on.) but also the proper examination of privacy as well as of things that are offensive or inflamatory, like religion and politics. Make the best decision and be clear that the opinions and ideas of the author are solely yours and do not reflect the official position or opinions of Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services.

Protect Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Customers suppliers, business partners and customers

Customers, suppliers, partners or partners should not be mentioned or referenced in any way without their permission. Don’t mention a customer supplier, partner, or client with their name without permission, and never share confidential details about the customer’s engagement. It is okay to share general information about different types of projects, and use non-identifying pseudonyms for customers (e.g. Customer 123, for example) provided that the information shared is not in violation of any confidentiality agreements that might be in place with the client or allow anyone to identify the person who is the customer. This blog should not be the right place where you can “conduct business” with a customer.

Controversial Issues

If you notice misinformation regarding Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services in the media, you can be able to point it out. Make sure you do this in a respectful manner and with facts. If you talk about other people ensure that the information you provide is accurate and does not make a statement that is negative about the person or group. Avoid arguments. Arguments can generate traffic, but they don’t win at the end. Do not try to settle disputes or provoke opponents or other people into heated arguments. You must ensure that what you’re declaring is accurate and factual.

Be the first one to react at your own errors

If you do make a mistake Make sure you are upfront about it and fix it promptly. If you decide to alter your previous posting, you must make it evident that you did this. If you are accused of posting an illegal post (such as copyrighted material or a defamatory post on them) Take action promptly – it is better to delete it as soon as possible to limit the chance of legal proceeding.

Think About Consequences

For instance, think about what would happen if Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services employee is in a conference with a prospect or customer while someone at the prospect’s side takes out a printed copy of your blog and states “This person at Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services says that product sucks.”
It’s fine to say “Product X needs to have an easier learning curve for the first-time user” is okay; however, the statement “Product X sucks” is reckless, unintentional and embarrassing.
Again, it’s all about judgment. Using your blog to degrade or shame Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services or our clients or even your colleagues is risky and unwise.


If you can, make sure to include a disclaimer stating that even though you are employed by Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services whatever you write about is your own personal opinion, not necessarily the opinion or opinions Digital Aone IT Solution Pvt Ltd Services.
It can give you the appropriate disclaimer language, and help in determining the best way and place to apply this.
Don’t forget your day job.
You must ensure that blogging does not affect your work or obligations to your customers.

Social Media Tips

These tips aren’t required, but they will be helpful to the successful use of social media. One of the best ways to remain engaging, avoid trouble and have fun can be to share things you are knowledgeable about. There’s a chance of being embarrassed by an expertor boring writing about subjects you’re not familiar with. The quality of your writing is important. Use a spell-checker. If you’re not an expert in design Ask someone else to check if your blog is attractive and get their opinion regarding how to improve it. The speed with which you’re in a position to share your thoughts quickly is amazing and the biggest drawback that social networks have. The time needed to edit or reflect should be at your own pace. If you’re unsure about the content of a post, or you don’t like something about it or is not right, you can either sit it down and review it before posting it or asking another person to examine the post first.


Infractions to the policy are susceptible to disciplinary action all the way to the possibility of termination due to reasons.

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